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Privacy ‘Must Haves’ Pack

Compliance can be a snooze fest, so we won’t bore you to death here. Quite simply, these are your privacy ‘must haves’.

 In this pack you will receive:

  • Privacy Policy

Businesses caught under the Privacy Act must have a privacy policy that complies with the Australian Privacy Principles

Your privacy policy must be displayed for your customers in an accessible way – usually on your website.

  • Collection Notice

Businesses caught under the Privacy Act must have a collection notice at each point where you collect personal data.

When collecting personal info, you must display a collection notice. This is how you get consent from your clients to collect and use their info and notify them you have collected it.

  • Data Breach Response Plan

Businesses caught under the Privacy Act must have a system to handle mandatory assessment and reporting of data breaches.

There are tight time frames here. That’s why you need a Data Breach Response Plan so your systems are in place. If you wait until you have a breach, you will run out of time and get into trouble with the law.

  • Instructional Videos

We will teach you along the way

We don’t believe in just giving you templates and sending you on your merry way. You will receive instruction videos to assist you in completing your privacy ‘must haves’ pack.

Specific Inclusions:

Would you like your pack to be customised by real estate agency lawyers, including any optional extras or to receive legal advice to ensure you are fully protected? Book a FREE 10 minute chat with us today to find out more!

Boring legal stuff: No legal advice included. Whilst this O*NO Legal Pack has been designed and prepared by lawyers, this is general advice only and cannot be relied upon as legal advice as it does not take into consideration your exact agency circumstances. This information is for guidance only as there are many variables in purchasing your new rent roll. Contact us to find out if any of these variables apply to you. PS - congratulations if you have read this far, you must love legal disclaimers or are a sucker for punishment.