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Congrats on starting your own real estate agency! 

Our Guided DIY Real Estate Agency Start-Up Pack includes contract templates, checklists and instructional videos.

Our STARTING SOLO Package includes:

  • Must have templates

    Lay solid foundations for your agency.

    You will receive templates for your Website Terms and Conditions, Data Breach Response Plan, Privacy Policy, and Privacy Collection Notices to ensure the foundation of your agency is built on solid ground.

  • Start-Up Handbook and Checklists

    We will provide you with the handbooks and checklists you need to set up your agency.

    You will receive a Real Estate Agency Start-up Handbook & Checklist to guide you though the start up process to ensure you don’t miss anything in the process.

  • Instructional Videos

    We will teach you along the way

    We don’t believe in just giving you templates and sending you on your merry way. You will receive instruction videos to assist you in completing your contract templates & checklists.

Specific Inclusions:

Would you like your pack to be customised by real estate agency lawyers, including any optional extras or to receive legal advice to ensure you are fully protected?  Book a FREE 10 minute chat with us today to find out more.


Boring legal stuff: No legal advice included. Whilst this O*NO Legal Pack has been designed and prepared by lawyers, this is general advice only and cannot be relied upon as legal advice as it does not take into consideration your exact agency circumstances. This information is for guidance only as there are many variables in starting up your agency. Contact us to find out if any of these variables apply to you. PS - congratulations if you have read this far, you must love legal disclaimers or are a sucker for punishment.