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Legally Unbreakable Agency Handbook

Did you know that every part of your agency has a corresponding legal element?

Whether the legal part of your business is scary and you’d rather not think about it or you’re worried there may be ticking timebombs in your agency, you have come to the right place!

Our Legally Unbreakable Agency Handbook is a 19 page digital download that guides you through your real-estate business journey. With a step-by-step guide and self-assessment checklist you can learn how to shield your assets and future proof your relationships with your staff, business partners and clients to create a legally unbreakable agency.

Boring legal stuff: Whilst this handbook has been designed and prepared by lawyers, this is general advice only and cannot be relied upon as legal advice as it does not take into consideration your exact agency circumstances.  Contact us to find out if any variables apply to you. PS - congratulations if you have read this far, you must love legal disclaimers or are a sucker for punishment.